,,Life is too short to drink bad wine, and the best wine is the one you drink with good friends”

Morten Huse and Cathinca Dege

Speakers, Specialists, Supporters 
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Education

We have after many years under the labels of ,,Vin med Dege” and ,,Morten Huse Management Consultants” started BOARDS AND WINE AS. Our activities follow and build on our previous experiences. ,,Life is too short to drink bad wine, and the best wine is the one you drink with a good friends”.

We will continue nationally and internationally with our education and speeches about boards and about wine. However, we will now also put more energy to explore the synergies between board education and wine education.

We lean on a holistic philosophy with integration of theory and practice; head, heart and hands; contributions to individuals, businesses and society. Our company profile is about people, human behavior, trust, justice and sustainability. We want to mentor champions for change. We want to use our lives on issues that are important, but it is also important to get energy from the people we spend our time with.

Vi har i mange år og i mange land arbeidet med styrer og vin. Cathinca med vin og Morten med styrer. Nå har vi formelt etablert BOARDS AND WINE AS. Vi vil bygge på våre tidligere erfaringer og aktiviteter, men vi vil nå i tillegg i større grad knytte styrer og vin sammen. Styrer og vin: Foredrag, seminarer og opplæring. Vi arbeider som foredragsholdere, spesialister og støttespillere. Vi vil bidra til konferanser, seminarer, workshops og vinsmakinger. Life is too short to drink bad wine, and the best wine is the one you drink with good friends. 

Vi vil fortsette med på den ene siden styre- og ledelsestemaer og vinopplæring på den andre, men vi vet at det finnes synergier mellom styreutvikling og vinopplæring. Dette gleder vi oss til å utvikle sammen med dere.


Wine expert
Wine educator

Wine tastings
Wine education
Wine experiences
Wine travels





Board leadership
Board dynamics
Value creation
Corporate Governance

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