Boards and Wine As.

Vi utvikler framtidssentrerte forskningsagendaer og internasjonale relasjoner i en nettverksorganisasjon.

“Life is too short to drink bad wine”


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Vi kartlegger kundens behov og tilpasser deretter en løsning som begge parter er fornøyd med.


over publikasjoner

Main Philosophy

Morten Huse – Professor emeritus

Helhetlige perspektiver, kombinasjonen av teori og praksis, integrasjonen av “hode, hjerte og hender” og bidraget til enkeltpersoner, næringsliv og samfunnet. Flere disipliner og teorier brukes for å utforske aktuelle temaer. Vi støtter sterkt kontekstuelle, atferds- og aktørsentrerte tilnærminger; nasjonale, forretningsmessige og selskapskulturer og sammenhenger betraktes som viktige. Enkeltpersoner kan gjøre betydelige bidrag til både næringslivet og samfunnet. (I tråd med filosofien fra perioden som leder ved Witten/Herdecke University)

Fokusering på påvirkning
Main activities




Morten Huse

I am in general doing programmatic and fenomenologic research and try to apply venturesome research methods – polymorphic research. I signed in 2018 the San Francisco declaration (DORA) and endorsed RRBM (Responsible Research in Business and Management).

Professor Morten Huse om forskning, læring og god rødvin:


Fysiske og virtuelle presentasjoner

Undervisning og taler for små og store grupper/tilhørere

Interaktive seminar presentasjoner

“Gående og pratende”/


Individuelle diskusjoner og oppfølging

Vi inviterer deg til å bli kjent med våre metoder.




Research handbook on diversity and corporate governance

Challenging existing research and concepts, this Research Handbook presents cutting-edge new research on diversity and corporate governance. Going beyond the surface of diversity, global expert contributors present a diverse range of chapters offering a wide range of perspectives on the use
of theories and methodologies.

‘In this stimulating volume, Sabina Tasheva and Morten Huse have curated innovative, inclusive, intersectional, and multilevel perspectives on diversity in the…

Resolving the crisis in research by changing the game: An ecosystem and a sharing philosophy

This groundbreaking book arrives at a time of growing concern for the future of true scholarship. Morten Huse calls upon the scholarly community to reflect on the recent dramatic changes to academia, calling for coordinated efforts to reorganise the scholarly ecosystem.

Offering a holistic view of academia, Huse outlines the institutions, audiences, messages, channels and communities that interact in this ecosystem, introducing a ‘sharing philosophy’ as the foundation of change…

Value-creating boards: Challenges for future research and practice

This Element shapes the discussion about corporate governance and boards of directors. The arena for boards and corporate governance is not static. In Boards, Governance and Value Creation (Cambridge, 2007) Morten Huse accumulated knowledge about boards with a focus on behavioural perspectives. The present contribution reflects on what has been happening during recent years. It contributes to the literature around sustainable value creation in business and society. This Element brings an update…

Getting women on to corporate boards: A snowball starting in Norway

This book provides unique insights into how the idea of quota laws to get women on to corporate boards gained international momentum from their origins in Norway. Invaluable insights are gained through the stories of actors involved in shaping the discourse and practice on women on boards. In exploring political contexts, the role of the advocacy movement, experiences of women directors themselves and latest research findings, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the…

Boards, Governance and Value Creation: The Human Side of Corporate Governance

A past president of a large multinational corporation recently confronted me with the view that corporate leaders and board members have not learnt anything from research into corporate governance. This observation has at least two aspects to it. The first is that corporate governance research needs to be relevant and actionable. The second is that research-based findings must be communicated. Through this book my aim is to communicate actionable research and knowledge about boards…

Distansert Nærhet (Distanced Proximity: The importance of the relations between boards and management for actual board behavior)

Morten Huse attempts empirically in this book to solve the paradox of simultaneous distance and proximity. The importance of Agency theory and Relational contract theory (Macneil 1980) are being compared and synthesized. This is the first study using Macneil’s relational norms in studies of boards of directors. Dyadic approaches are used in studies of boards small and medium sized firms.

The book is written in Norwegian, but various articles from this work is published in the Eglish…


Google scholar citations primo July 2023
All Since 2018


over land

Boards and Wine AS

Cathinca Dege

Cathinca Dege er utdannet ved Hotellfagskolen i Lausanne og innehar i tillegg WSET Diploma. Hun har lang erfaring fra restaurantbransjen i både inn- og utland, som restaurantsjef og Sommelier. Etter å ha tatt norgesmester-tittelen i vinsmaking har hun i en årrekke vært tilknyttet vinprodusenter over hele verden gjennom sitt arbeid i vinbransjen. Hun er også en erfaren vinskribent for ulike magasiner. Hun er sertifisert av Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne. Ved siden av undervisning og vinforedrag er Cathinca i dag tilknyttet Vinmonopolet, og hun sitter i Beverage Academy’s styre.

Clients, speeches and experiences in:

Norway, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Georgia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Chile, South-Africa, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada.
Aktiviteter til Cathinca Dege:

Boards and Wine AS – Gallery


over publikasjoner

Main Philosophy

Morten Huse – Professor emeritus

Helhetlige perspektiver, kombinasjonen av teori og praksis, integrasjonen av “hode, hjerte og hender” og bidraget til enkeltpersoner, næringsliv og samfunnet. Flere disipliner og teorier brukes for å utforske aktuelle temaer. Vi støtter sterkt kontekstuelle, atferds- og aktørsentrerte tilnærminger; nasjonale, forretningsmessige og selskapskulturer og sammenhenger betraktes som viktige. Enkeltpersoner kan gjøre betydelige bidrag til både næringslivet og samfunnet. (I tråd med filosofien fra perioden som leder ved Witten/Herdecke University)

Fokusering på påvirkning:

Vi har som mål å påvirke bærekraftig verdiskapning i næringslivet:
– gjennom forskning og formidling av spørsmål knyttet til atferdsperspektiver hos styrer og likestilling i styring, forretningsliv og samfunn
– ved å undersøke spørsmål knyttet til kvinner i styrer for fremtidig forskning og undervisning
– ved å utvikle dedikerte ledelsesforskere og delta i debatten om sentrale prestasjonsindikatorer.

Main activities:​

– Doktorgradsstudenter og yngre fakultetsmedlemmer gjennom veiledning og åpne regelmessige internasjonale forskningsverksteder innen forretningspraksis og offentlige retningslinjer ved rådgivning, offentlige møter, konferanser, publikasjoner og medieformidling.
– Framtidsrettede forskningsagendaer og internasjonale relasjoner i en nettverksorganisasjon.

Areas of academic interest:

– Gender issues: Getting women on boards, The contribution of women on boards (business case), Gender
codes/feminism and women career advancements
– Value creating boards: Entrepreneurial behavior, Actual board behavior, Dynamics of boards, governance and value creation, Boards in the era of digital transformation of society, Family firms, SMEs
– Research philosophy: Future of management research and education, Concept development, Polymorphic research, Qualitative research methods,
– Other: CSR, Stakeholders, Social change, Entrepreneurial behavior, Innovation, Family business, Church leadership, Tourism



Professor emeritus

BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Department of
Communication and Culture – Professor of Organisation and Management


ICADE Comillas University, Madrid

Visiting International Professor (2022-)

University of Vaasa, Finland

Visiting International Professor (2022-)

Morten Huse Management Consultants

founder ( from 1992-)

Women Forward (Madrid)

President Scientific Council (2019-)



Norwegian School Economics and Business Administration

Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH)

Siviløkonom Business Administration and Management, General


over publikasjoner


Morten Huse – Professor emeritus

I am in general doing programmatic and fenomenologic research and try to apply venturesome research methods – polymorphic research. I signed in 2018 the San Francisco declaration (DORA) and endorsed RRBM (Responsible Research in Business and Management).

Present main research interest:

– Gender issues – Women on Boards, Board Diversity, Getting Women on Boards, Institutional and Actor centered approaches to explore the adaptions and consequences of legal or voluntary instruments to increase the number of women on boards in different countries, Feminism and gender codes, Institutional approaches and National cultures and Societal consequences, Talent pipeline, Relational capital, Erotic capital

– Value Creating Boards – Exploring and developing boards of directors from strategic management and organization behavior perspectives, including Corporate Governance Evolution, the importance of Digital transformation of Society, Governance in SMEs, Behavioral Perspectives on Boards and Governance, Board
Dynamics, Actual Board Behavior, Board Evaluations, Board Leadership, Resource based perspectives

– Philosophy of science: The future of management research, a “Sharing” research philosophy, Professional Practices, Research Ethics, our Professional Ethics, Polymorphic research, Qualitative research methods, Introspection

Other present and previous research interests:

– Family Firms and Ownership issues: Closely held firms, Small firms, Ownership and Venture Capital Markets, Firms in Emerging Industries

– Corporate governance with a focus on Stakeholder issues, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Management, Climate change, Women in Management, Corporate Social Performance, Business Ethics, Trust in and between organizations, Corruption and Whistleblowing, The future of corporations

– Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurship History, Comparative Entrepreneurship, Organization and Environment, Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, User-driven Innovation, Co-creation, Internationalization

– Religious organizations, Clergy research, Organization and Management in the Church, Organization Theory and Extreme Organization, Creative Organizations

– Telecommuting, digitalization
– Tourism, Industry and Regional Development, Economies in Transition

Våre aktiviteter:




Morten Huse

I am in general doing programmatic and fenomenologic research and try to apply venturesome research methods – polymorphic research. I signed in 2018 the San Francisco declaration (DORA) and endorsed RRBM (Responsible Research in Business and Management).

Professor Morten Huse om forskning, læring og god rødvin:

Your Attractive Heading


Professor emeritus

BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Department of
Communication and Culture – Professor of Organisation and Management


ICADE Comillas University, Madrid

Visiting International Professor (2022-)

University of Vaasa, Finland

Visiting International Professor (2022-)

Morten Huse Management Consultants

founder ( from 1992-)

Women Forward (Madrid)

President Scientific Council (2019-)



Norwegian School Economics and Business Administration

Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH)

Siviløkonom Business Administration and Management, General


over publikasjoner


Morten Huse – Professor emeritus

I am in general doing programmatic and fenomenologic research and try to apply venturesome research methods – polymorphic research. I signed in 2018 the San Francisco declaration (DORA) and endorsed RRBM (Responsible Research in Business and Management).

Present main research interest:

– Gender issues – Women on Boards, Board Diversity, Getting Women on Boards, Institutional and Actor centered approaches to explore the adaptions and consequences of legal or voluntary instruments to increase the number of women on boards in different countries, Feminism and gender codes, Institutional approaches and National cultures and Societal consequences, Talent pipeline, Relational capital, Erotic capital

– Value Creating Boards – Exploring and developing boards of directors from strategic management and organization behavior perspectives, including Corporate Governance Evolution, the importance of Digital transformation of Society, Governance in SMEs, Behavioral Perspectives on Boards and Governance, Board
Dynamics, Actual Board Behavior, Board Evaluations, Board Leadership, Resource based perspectives

– Philosophy of science: The future of management research, a “Sharing” research philosophy, Professional Practices, Research Ethics, our Professional Ethics, Polymorphic research, Qualitative research methods, Introspection

Other present and previous research interests:

– Family Firms and Ownership issues: Closely held firms, Small firms, Ownership and Venture Capital Markets, Firms in Emerging Industries

– Corporate governance with a focus on Stakeholder issues, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Management, Climate change, Women in Management, Corporate Social Performance, Business Ethics, Trust in and between organizations, Corruption and Whistleblowing, The future of corporations

– Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Entrepreneurship History, Comparative Entrepreneurship, Organization and Environment, Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, User-driven Innovation, Co-creation, Internationalization

– Religious organizations, Clergy research, Organization and Management in the Church, Organization Theory and Extreme Organization, Creative Organizations

– Telecommuting, digitalization
– Tourism, Industry and Regional Development, Economies in Transition

Våre aktiviteter:




Morten Huse

I am in general doing programmatic and fenomenologic research and try to apply venturesome research methods – polymorphic research. I signed in 2018 the San Francisco declaration (DORA) and endorsed RRBM (Responsible Research in Business and Management).

Professor Morten Huse om forskning, læring og god rødvin:
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